Notes From The Author

10/24/2011 — I came across this poem that I wrote five years ago, and while this dream is a much deeper and philosophical theme than the one on Friday, it took me back to the same place. Let me know what connections these poems brought up for you!


10/17/2011 — I wrote the short piece Presence Rising” almost two years ago. It was a first glimpse into my memory of my younger years and writing short stories back then.


09/30/2011 — I wrote today’s short poem — “(Slightly) Bored” — one day, while I was sitting in a large hallway waiting for a person with whom I was supposed to meet. (I had to wait a long time.) It’s a little odd, I know, but if you like quirky, hopefully you enjoy this!


09/28/2011 — The Poem today — “Glasses” — is one that I wrote back in 2009. It just reminds of me what could be that simple, classic, beginning of a “beautiful friendship.” I haven’t yet met this man with the glasses, but I when I do, I can imagine that it will go something like the poem indicates.

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  1. Pingback: Glasses | So The Story Goes…

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